My Blinkies
ISO Designers / CT
Look HERE for our Storeblog!!!!

I am looking for some tutorial writers and Layout makers to join my personal CT, so when you're interested, please give me a mail with the link to your blog at:

I am also looking for Designers that make Full Size Kits for my store at

Please give me a mail at when you are interested!

Scrappin Nation
zondag 27 juni 2010
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Join our The Great Outdoors Blogtrain that departs on July the 15th 2010.
Anything you want to add to this train is welcome, as long as it has the theme The Great Outdoors.
Just think about picnic, travel, camping, BBQ..... Your product can be CU, PU or S4H!
This theme is choosen by the members of our blogtrain group, also the colors are choosen by them. Thanks for all that have voted and made suggestions for this theme and colors!
When you want to join, please visit this group

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